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 An intimate family home wedding was the focus of Rochelle and Harald’s big day. After having their planned reception venue booking fell through, they enlisted the expert help of Jenny and her team at The Original Wedding Company. They were amazing!

Jenny turned their home into a stunning ceremony and wedding reception venue for an intimate family group.  Not only did Jenny style their home with candles and flowers from Kiss Chasey Wedding Flowers but also arranged a pianist from Champion Music to be playing in the entry as guests arrived and table and chairs to dine on. Hyder and Shears provided the delicious nibbles for friends who joined them for the ceremony and the evening meal they shared with family that evening.

Once they handed the organisation over to Jenny they sat back and let the day unfold. They struck it lucky with magic weather, which enabled them to take some wonderful family photographs. Afterwards they were able to cross the road from their home in Waterford to the rivers edge. We captured wonderful wedding photography images of Rochelle and Harold with their family in the bush along the river as well as amazing sunset shots on the jetty overlooking the river at sunset. Rochelle and Harald were just so thrilled with their intimate home wedding.

Wedding Planner: The Original Wedding Company

Wedding Flowers: Kiss Chasey Wedding Flowers

catering: Hyder and Shears

Photography: Peter Edwards Photography

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